Sales Funnel Services

We help businesses generate sales by directing prospects through the decision-making pathway to purchasing points. Using appropriate techniques, specialists lead prospective clients through a special track to the point of purchase, converted to customers.

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Sales Funnel Services and Consultant

Your website has a ton of great info and visitors are bound to get lost clicking through links and checking out your offerings. Wouldn’t it be great if you could gently guide them where you want them to go?

Our sales funnel process is like a silent salesman, sending site visitors on a direct path to your objective, whether it’s capturing an email address or selling products or services.

We begin by collecting data about your customers and creating buyer personas to better understand their needs, motivations, and frustrations.

Generate Leads

For your business to grow, you need to have an effective sales funnel in your marketing mix that exists to convert leads to paying clients.

Grow Your Business

The easiest way to explain a sales funnel is this; it’s creating a pathway for your ideal client, holding their hand along the way guiding the lead to the pot of gold.

Sales and marketing

Take our Lifecycle Marketing Assessment to reveal your business’ strengths and gaps. Our DONE FOR YOU SALES FUNNEL is precisely that, DONE FOR YOU.

Generate more revenue

The easiest way to explain a sales funnel is this; it’s creating a pathway for your ideal client, while holding their hand along the way guiding them to the pot of gold.

You can market your products, programs & services to thousands and thousands of people; the truth is only a few will really give you their email address, and not all the prospects that land in your funnel are qualified leads. Only a small percentage will actually become your client.

The process of converting prospects to leads and then to paying clients is one that requires strategy, patience and professional handling by a sales funnel consultant. This is one of the things we live for at Dream Team Digital Marketing.

B2B Sales Funnel

The origins of the sales funnel were developed by the American pioneer of advertising, St. Elmo Lewis, more than a century ago. B2B sales funnels include many different models and come under a variety of names. Customer funnel, sales cycle, purchasing process, and buyers journey are often used interchangeably. People apply this term in multiple fields of research and interpret its processes differently. Whether you’re a large B2C company, a newly launched B2B venture, or an eCommerce store, your business, a well-planned and implemented sales funnel will drive revenue.

Facebook Sales Funnel

Converting cold audiences on Facebook commonly requires a sales funnel made of multiple stages and touchpoints, with different ad creatives, emphasizing unique value propositions.

Creating one that actually works for your business is a complex task, and it’s incredibly easy to mess up.

Here’s how to set-up a Facebook sales funnel that will help you avoid flushing your Facebook ad budget down the drain.

Facebook ads offer a ton of affordable options to get more paying customers.

Digital sales funnel

A digital marketing sales funnel is a combination of marketing tactics utilized to generate traffic to your business and nurture them properly to become loyal customers who advocate for your business. We set the stage for you to begin creating your first digital marketing funnel.

A digital marketing funnel resembles that of an actual funnel. The objective is to feed traffic into the top of the funnel to convert them into our objective (usually a sale, downloading a piece of content, signing up for a discount, etc.)

Automated webinars

Automated webinars are by far the best selling platform we have ever come across, especially if your services are high-end ($1,000+, depending on your market). When someone watches your webinar, you have them fully engaged for somewhere between 45-60 minutes in most cases. Compare that to simply reading a few pages of your pitch to get in touch with you on a sales page, where they’re typically reading for 1-2 minutes.

Sales funnel strategy

A sales funnel can help you track your leads as they progress closer to becoming paying customers. Whether you have a brick-and-mortar or online business, you need to create a sales funnel to attract and convert visitors into customers. The key goal of your sales funnel is to move people through the different stages of the sales process until they are ready to buy your products or services. A sales funnel describes the steps an individual takes on the way to becoming your customer.

Importance of a sales funnel

The sales funnel shows the path your customers will take on the way to purchasing your product or service. Analyzing your sales funnel will help you understand how it works and where it does not. It will also help you identify the holes in the different stages of your sales funnel (i.e., where prospects drop out and do not convert into customers).

Understanding your sales funnel will help you influence how prospects move through it and whether they convert into buying customers. It will also provide insight into what customers are thinking and doing at each stage of the sales funnel so you can invest in marketing activities that attract more prospects, develop more relevant messaging at each stage of the sales funnel, and convert more prospects into paying customers.

Consulting sales funnel

The top of the funnel is the marketing that attracts prospects to your business (e.g., the advertising on your physical storefront, or the landing page of your website).

The middle of the funnel involves all the parts of your sales process prior to the sale (e.g., people trying on clothing in your store, or website visitors reading about the benefits of your products).

The bottom of the funnel is the final purchase (e.g., customers paying for clothes at checkout, or website customers entering their credit card info to complete a purchase).

Have any query?

Our work is all about you and your success. It begins with a sound and nimble strategy — based on our knowledge of B2B best practices combined with your unique needs & positive ROI.